South Cheshire



CAMRA LocAle is about increasing the sale of local real ales in local pubs. Local breweries are often run by local people who (of course) drink in the local pubs themselves and consequently have a much closer understanding of their market. In recent years the number of microbreweries in Cheshire has snowballed to more than 25. The benefits of a successful CAMRA LocAle scheme are listed below. You may click on the name for contact and location information on each pub.
  • Improved consumer choice due to more locally brewed real ales being available in pubs
  • Local brewers selling more real ale allowing them to expand, benefiting the local economy and real ale choice
  • Fewer "beer miles" resulting in less road congestion and pollution
  • An increase in tourism as successful local brewers give the area greater distinctiveness and therefore tourist appeal
  • Thriving pubs due to the wider availability of local real ales in pubs boosting the number of pub visits
  • An increase in local identity and pride
In short, CAMRA LocAle is about consumer choice, local jobs, supporting a sustainable environment, creating local distinctiveness and promoting local pubs.
South Cheshire's criteria to qualify as LocAle means the pub has to serve at least one local beer (from within 30 miles of the Branch boundry) all the time although the beer may change, save for rare occasions when no beer is available. The beer also needs to be of a consistent quality that CAMRA would support. You may not agree with this definition but for this purpose we needed something clear and precise.
You can recognize a LocAle pub by the publicity material normally on display often including LocAle labels on the handpumps. The current South Cheshire LocAle-accredited pubs include (note this list is being updated spring 2019):-