How YOU can get involved...
· Become a beer scorer - submit your beer scores whenever you visit a pub. Full details on beer scoring can be found on the Good Beer Guide Selection page on this site GBG Selection . No experience necessary and no meetings!
. Assist with this website, or Facebook or Twitter. Write something for this website or help with social media. We would welcome anybody with the skills to help us expand into Facebook and Twitter. Contact our WebMaster, Ian Norbury on or our Social Media Coordinator, Kat Morris on if this appeals to you.
· Help at the Crewe RailAle Festival in September each year. If you want to help setting up on the Tuesday before the festival or at any of the public sessions on Friday, Saturday or Sunday then please let our Beer Festival Staffing Officer know on Training is provided so don't worry if you haven't served at a beer festival before. Requests for help are normally sent out in August.
It would be great to have you on board. We hope to hear from you soon or see you at one of our meetings or social events in the future.
Don't forget that many pubs across the country offer a discount to card-carrying CAMRA members and CAMRA has now formalized this by introducing a central register of the deals on offer and a searchable database of pubs in the discount scheme on the CAMRA Discount Scheme where members can check to find a pub offering a discount. Well over 1000 pubs have now joined the scheme including some pub chains. In some cases there are restrictions on the times the deal applies so check on the website first. If you know of any other pubs that offer such discounts, or if you are landlord of a pub that wants to join the scheme, please let our Pubs Officer, on moc.liamg@3102yzzek