South Cheshire CAMRA is a branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), the pub-goers champion. It exists to promote Real Ale and support the rights of pub goers in South Cheshire.
People who join CAMRA and live within the branch boundary are automatically entitled to join the branch.
Members of the South Cheshire CAMRA branch elect a committee each year at our Annual General Meeting in December, to manage the branch and to ensure that the branch campaigns in the most effective way possible.
The current committee members are shown below.
Please feel free to contact South Cheshire CAMRA with any questions, information, comments or gossip that you may have to do with pubs, breweries, beer and cider.
You may contact us by email on, or, if you have questions you would like to discuss further, by telephone. Everyone in South Cheshire CAMRA is a volunteer so although you will get a reply please do be patient - we have day jobs too!
· Branch Chairman
Derek Daveyku.gro.armac.erihsehchtuos@riahc
01270 761039
· Branch Vice Chair
Robert Shore07815 429984
·Branch Treasurer
Ian Bray01270 252045
·Branch Secretary & Branch Contact
Steve Kay
07729 602307
·Branch Membership Secretary
Heather Kay
07729 602307
·Social Secretary
Duncan Hickmoc.yks@kcihnacnud
07580 861960
·Pubs Officers
Colin Donald01270 623376
Colin Jonesku.gro.armac.erihsehchtuos@perredic
Robert Shore07815 429984
·Cider Representative
Colin Jonesku.gro.armac.erihsehchtuos@perredic
·GBG Coordinator
Terry Blakemanku.gro.armac.erihsehchtuos@rotanidroocgbg
·Beer Festival Organiser (Crewe RailAle Festival)
Kez Challacombeku.gro.armac.erihsehchtuos@resinagrolavitsefreeb
07946 811278
·Branch Social Media Coordinator
Kat Morris0.... ......
·Web Master
Ian Norbury
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